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02 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
If every time you bought something you got an inch of trail along with it, you might not think it was that much.  But if every time everyone bought something we all got an inch of trail we’d have something to ride!  Evergreen has a partnership with both Fred Meyer Community Rewards and Amazon Smile—and that’s essentially what these programs do.  Every time you make a purchase with your Community Rewards card at Fred Meyer or through Amazon Smile—you earn us all a little bit of trail.  So if you happen to be a Fred Meyer or Amazon shopper, please take a minute to sign up for these programs—with all of your help we could turn those little bits of trail into your next favorite ride.  Learn how to benefit Evergreen and Washington MTB Trails with these programs by clicking on one (or both!) below: Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program Amazon Smile Program
02 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
Just because it's cold and dark that doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking about trails!  In the next two weeks there will be two important meetings regarding recreational use and your input (and presence) is important to ensure that mountain bikers needs are heard and addressed. Teanaway On December 4th the Teanaway Citizen Advisory Committee and the Department of Natural Resources invite your input on the management plan they are developing for the 50,000 acres of newly acquired land up the Teanaway Valley.  So far the Committee has heard from a narrow group of interests but they need to hear more from the mountain biking community. 
01 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
Your MTB Work Wanted for 3rd Annual  Winter Stoke Photo & Video Contest! Evergreen's Winter Stoke Party is back for a third year on Saturday, February 7th - again at Gerks Ski and Sport in Issaquah! And once again we're holding the mountain bike video and photo contest as part of the festivities.! And what's better than winning the admiration of your fellow riders?  Winning admiration AND great prizes! Prizes to be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in both photo & video categories including: Sooped-up Duthie Hydration packs from Platypus, a par of Platypus Tokul Hydration packs, laptop bags for the wet PNW, tech layers, and much more!
01 | Dec | '14
Bryan Rivard
Evergreen is excited to work with the Washington Department of Natural Resources to help extend the riding season on Tiger Mountain this year.  Unlike the set closure date of past seasons, this season trails have remained open pending weather conditions—great news for anyone who’s enjoyed the last week’s cold snap. But that also means riders need to take special care because the extended season offers more potential to impact trails.  “Tiger Mountain is extremely wet and large sections of the trails have a higher clay content than other trails in our area,” says Evergreen Project Manager Mike Westra “and that can lead to more moisture wicking back up to the surface.”  During freeze-and-thaw periods that can mean moisture affecting the trail from above and below, and has the potential of turning your favorite Tiger ride into a wheel-trapping mud pit.   And the worst kind of mud pit is the one that crews and volunteers have to spend valuable time fixing. “We just ask that people ride cautiously and use good judgment,” explains Westra “some of the new trails on Tiger just happen to be more susceptible to impacts right now.”  So if you’re in doubt about Tiger, give those trails a break— instead consider Tokul, Grand Ridge, or any number of winter rides here waiting for you.
30 | Nov | '14
Bryan Rivard
If you're an Amazon Shopper it’s as easy as typing in a URL and you’ll earn a percentage of your purchase Evergreen can put straight into Washington Mountain biking! And it costs you nothing! Just go to http://smile.amazon.com/ and type in "Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance" to select us as your charity. And spread the word to your friends and family! Then anytime you (or they) get ready to shop, sign in at http://smile.amazon.com/ (Or use these handy browser add ons to remind you! http://amzn.to/1yqq9sn) You'll get the exact same price and selection, but Amazon will match a percentage of your purchases as a donation to us. Keep us in mind if you start your holiday shopping early and please spread the word--more participation means more trails! Thank you for your support and we’ll see you on the trail!
25 | Nov | '14
Bryan Rivard
It's been a huge year for mountain biking in Washington.  We've seen a groundswell of support for riding, the most volunteer hours yet, and more new trails being built for mountain biking than in our state's history.  There is a lot for all of us to be proud of. And it's because of your continued support that Evergreen has been able to accomplish more this year than ever before.   Sure there's still tons of work to be done-but take a look back on what you've helped achieve in 2014.   This is just a small sample of what your support resulted in: Four new trails opened on Tiger Mountain- doubling the trail mileage! New trails finished in Leavenworth, Wenatchee, Chelan, and approval for Tokul  Construction under way on a new descending trail on Tiger  Finishing trails planning at Raging River (I-90 near North Bend), Wenatchee, & Spokane Completion of Phase 1 construction at Swan Creek Park in Tacoma The launch of our brand new website and completely redesigned Trail Guide  But you won't catch us sitting back to admire those accomplishments - we've got work to do!  We have momentum and we're ready to think, plan, and act big in 2015.  Here's what you'll have to look forward to as Washington mountain bikers in the next 12 months:
24 | Nov | '14
Bryan Rivard
By using it to link your Fred Meyer Rewards card! Watch the 2-minute video below by BryanR to see how easy (and impactful) linking your card can be. And if you don't have a Rewards Card you can get a digital one online and link to us that way! It's a great way to benefit Evergreen that only costs you 5 minutes of time. And with Thanksgiving shopping happening this week it's a perfect opportunity to help fund the trails you love! Take a few minutes and sign up today! www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards
15 | Nov | '14
Bryan Rivard
Last Friday over 140 people—more than 3x last year’s attendance—came together to hang out and celebrate the hard work and dedication of Evergreen's incredible community of volunteers.  Volunteers, Evergreen staff, and board members spent the evening catching up, talking trails, and making plans for the coming year—all while enjoying pizza sponsored by Element Cycles, beer from Bellevue Brewing Company, and some great mountain biking movies.  Attendees were even treated to a premier of the latest installment of the Peak to Creek series provided by our friends at Freehub. The night allowed the Evergreen board and staff to publicly thank the volunteers who are the engine behind Evergreen. “Without your time, commitment, and passion” said  Executive Director Glenn Glover “there would be no Evergreen.  It’s all of our work together that has turned us into a powerhouse for mountain biking in Washington.”
13 | Nov | '14
Bryan Rivard
For Western Washington riders, old man winter has finally reared his GoreTex-covered head, raising an important question-where's the best winter riding?   Fortunately there are a number of well-draining routes to check out, and some popular trails can be ridden year-round.  We've gotten a number of questions about Tiger trails closing--so here's the scoop on that. DNR will keep Tiger open (with input from Evergreen) as long as conditions allow.  Once riding becomes too damaging, the trails will be closed.  But just because one trail closes doesn't mean they all do-we'll keep you updated! And please remember that, while we can't prove it, in all likelihood Trail Gnomes don't exist.  If you see that your riding is shredding trail, please turn around and find another route.  Volunteers and work crews labor hard to keep these trails spiffy for everyone so please don't make it harder than it needs to be!  Here are some favorite winter rides from the Trail Guide: