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Methow Chapter


The Methow Chapter of the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance was formed in August 2012 by Methow Valley mountain bikers that recognized that while the valley's trails and riding were really good, they could be so much better with an organization advocating for them and maintaining them in partnership with local land managers. The Chapter got off to a quick start in its first full year hosting the first ever Evergreen Trail College event in May of 2013. Participants were taught proper trail building and maintenance techniques and constructed a significantly upgraded section of the Black Bear trail at Sun Mountain.

Since then, the Chapter has contributed hundreds of hours of volunteer labor to Methow Valley mountain biking trails each year through regularly scheduled work parties, established a strong working relationship with our local public land managers, and created an annual mountain bike festival, the Methow Singletrack Celebration and Brewfest, that takes place in late June each year. We remain THE organization advocating for mountain bikers and mountain biking in the Methow Valley.


Connect With Us

Joseph Brown, Chapter President

Featured Trails

2 of 5
22 miles total
2-3 of 5
13 miles total
2 of 5
12 miles total
1-2 of 5
16 miles total