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Evergreen Trail School: Capacity Attendance and an Excellent Crew

Evergreen Trail School: Capacity Attendance and an Excellent Crew

15 | Mar | '15
Bryan Rivard

School on the weekend?  Who would sign up for that?  Actually, over 30 people decided to dedicate their saturday to learning the process of building trails and decided that it was their best day at school ever! (I mean, we can only assume)


What resulted was a great day, full of learning how to build awesome, sustainable trails, and then practicing those techniques by actually building some trail on Tiger.

An awesome lunch from North Bend Bar and Grill gave us all energy we needed for the afternoon and delicious Dru Bru beverages satisfied everyone after some hard work in the rain. Women were strongly represented, lead by the Sturdy B's and the MuddBunnies.com, and overall great crew.

Keep you eye on the work calendar for more chances to attend an Evergreen Trail School, or come out and join us at one of our many work parties!







Evergreen Tiger Trail School teaches sustainable trail building with a full class.