CCC Road


Key Info

2 of 5 (technical difficulty)
3 of 5 (physical difficulty)
NW Washington


28 miles total
2283' elevation gain
55% single track
40% fire road
5% paved
47.48727 lat.
-121.72322 long.


Up to 28 miles of logging road, double-track, bunch of single track and a few creek crossings along the way. Makes for a great training ride and as long as you pace yourself, this is not that bad of a ride. The CCC Extension is recently(2005) built single track (3.3 miles or 6 out and back).

Conditions of the trail vary widely. Some of it is smooth logging road in good shape, some has narrowed almost to single track, some is full of cobbly rocks. It's never super-technical, though beginning mountain bikers may find the early climb to be a tough grunt, and may get bounced around by some of the rockier parts. Some of the surrounding woods are nice.