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What a wonderful day

21 | Nov | '19

Started really early this morning after parking near the Teneriffe lot and rode up the rest of the road and then past DNR gate 902 (park near here somewhere if possible). The initial climb gets you up to the CCC trail and then you have a long traverse up the river valley to the Bessemer road. There are a few walk over creek crossings but most were ride throughs. Be careful though, those creeks depend on the water held by the mountains and could be dry OR flooding. I got to the Bessemer road and began the climb to attempt to go all the way to South Bessemer mountain but my time ran out and I only got to 3300'. No snow there just morning frost in the shade. I then came back down and continued on the CCC Trail and got all the way to the Middle Fork Road and then began to return to the car along the road taking one detour on a side river trail. Then I continued west to DNR gate 905 to climb back up to the CCC trail by taking the lower Bessemer Road to the CCC trail / Big Blow Creek  crossing. It made for a wonderful loop. Otherwise, you'll never really experience the Middle Fork Snoqualmie at all on the CCC ride. I returned on the CCC back to the car.   The GPS track and pictures are here.

Submitted by tomvale on 11/21/2019