Mad River - Entiat
Technically not an official title, however this area in the Okanogan - Wenatchee National forest boasts a large amount of impressive singletrack and multi use trails! In general, bring water.
Trail Status
Ride Reports
Today’s goal was to get to the top of Pyramid Mountain (8261’) on the west side of Lake Chelan, and northwest of 25 mile State Park by about 15 miles. I got out of Manson about 5am and around the lake to begin the d...
I started my ride this morning at around 7:30 at the North Fork 25 Mile Creek Trailhead (2400’). From there, I rode up Shady Pass Road to the Crescent Hill Trailhead (6560’). Of course, I had to stop at the Junior Point Overlook for the report image above viewing the C...
I have always had a long loop planned out in my head using the Devil's Backbone and Pot Peak trails, along with the Stormy Mountain Summit. This morning, all my elder care tasks lined up around the 7-hour window I needed to complete my plan, so off I went to the Pot Peak Trailhead (1900')....
I was able to sneak away from elder care duties and get a quick summit ride to Stormy Mountain from the Windy Saddle Trailhead using the Devil's Backbone trail. It was dry and gravelly but in good shape. I would have loved to do the whole Backbone but I can only ride while they sleep. GPS track a...
The Plan:
Park at the Pot Peak trailhead and climb Forest Service Road 5900 (Shady Pass Road). Once up at the Crescent Hill (and the Devil's Backbone) Trailhead, I'd take the Devils Backbone trail to Angle Peak, and then "descend" the Pot Peak trail back to the car. Should have been a 30 mil...