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10 | 26 | '24
The snow is going to fly this weekend up high so I needed to complete my eastern high rides before trails get too covered in snow. Today’s ride would take me to an elevation of 7100 feet while going around Uno Peak. After getting my elder care tasks...
Submitted by tomvale on 10/26/24
10 | 22 | '24
Woke up early this morning to clear skies and 34 degrees outside. :-( Winter is coming! The sun was just coming out to warm things up so I waited a bit longer and finally started climbing about 9:30. The climbing trail and Winter traverse are a litt...
Submitted by tomvale on 10/22/24
10 | 20 | '24
Our first, Fall, atmospheric river wave came through overnight but only showered  on Chelan and made the downhill trail ideal for your tires. I started climbing from the trailhead around 6:30 this morning. After traversing over to the Butte...
Submitted by tomvale on 10/19/24
10 | 18 | '24
After the first threat of snow above 3000’ was forecasted,  I figured I had to do an early morning ride to catch the snow, and make tracks, before it was all melted by the sunny day.  Trail conditions are clear and slightly damp from...
Submitted by tomvale on 10/17/24