Summit Ridge


This section of newer trails in the Black Diamond area are on the Real Life Church property and are known as the Summit Ridge Trails. Most of the XC trails in Summit Ridge are twisty, flowy, and technical trails with numerous bridges, skinnies, log rides, and ladders.  The forest is fairly open with decent sight lines, and there are sections of amazine foxglove meadows.

There is also a flow park at Summit Ridge.  What the flow park lacks in quantity (compared to something like Duthie Hill), it makes up for in quality! There are one or two lines suitable for beginners, one or two suitable for intermediates to advanced, and a few massively-burly lines for the experts to pros.</p

Connects to Black Diamond Open Space (BDOS), Lake Sawyer, and Henry's Ridge across the road.

Freeride Lines are:

  • Roll'r Derby
  • Gannonball
  • ATM
  • Bermanator
  • Knucklehead

XC Trails are:

  • Tribulation (should be ridden clockwise)
  • Deliverance
  • Exodus
  • Holy Roller
  • Revival
  • Agitator

There are 1100 acres of public land situated between Lake Sawyer, Ravensdale, Black Diamond, and Maple Valley. This acerage is composed of Lake Sawyer Regional Park, Black Diamond Natural Area, Ravensdale Reach, Henry's Ridge, and Cemetary Ridge. There's plenty of acerage for as many trails as we want on public lands.

The best advocacy we can do is be good stewards of the land and trails. Packing out trash, being polite to other trail users, and presenting a good image of mountain bikers will ensure King County keeps the trails open.

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