Cheasty Greenspace Thursday dig party
Join Evergreen volunteers for an after work work party on the new Cheasty project in South Seattle.
We'll be focusing on invasive species removal for the moment, with dirt work to resume later in the spring.
Feel free to show up after the work party has already begun. Cheasty is a relatively small park and it should be pretty easy to find us! We realize not everyone can be here right at the start of the work party due to other life issues.
Feel free to come for as short or long of time as you want.
This an all-inclusive work party, so feel safe in knowing that we'll teach the ropes if it's your first work party, or help you master your technique if it's your five-hundredth.
We will have tools on hand to loan out, but feel free to bring your favorite tool. Please remember to bring :
Weather appropriate clothing.
Work gloves.
Sturdy footwear.
Food and water (we'll be working through dinner for some of us).
Meet at 4250 Cheasty Blvd S, Seattle. Please do not park on Cheasty Boulevard. IMPORTANT: There is no legal parking on Cheasty Blvd. Closest parking is on 24th Pl S here:
Got questions? Contact David, Evergreen Project Manager, at:
For specific work party information, contact Nicholas, Cheasty trailbuilder at
We look forward to seeing you!!