Cheasty Park


Key Info

1-2 of 5 (technical difficulty)
1 of 5 (physical difficulty)
NW Washington


47.562087 lat.
-122.301627 long.


Note: There is no legal parking on Cheasty Boulevard! Please obey all parking laws and be a good steward of mountain biking if parking in the nearby neighborhoods.

Evergreen, in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation and Friends of Cheasty Greenspace Mt. View, is working to build the first mountain bike trails in the city of Seattle.

Phase one of the trail system will include two descents off of Cheasty Boulevard, and one two-way multi-use climbing trail up from Columbian Way. Trails built in this phase will be rated green and blue and will be perfect for families, beginner riders, and short after-work loops in the city. This project relies heavily on volunteer support, so please check out our events page for upcoming work parties.