West Fork Methow River Tr


Key Info

2 of 5 (technical difficulty)
3 of 5 (physical difficulty)
NE Washington


16 miles total
1640' elevation gain
100% single track
0% fire road
0% paved
48.6524 lat.
-120.555 long.


Beautiful easy/intermediate trail with great scenery and a wilderness feel.  Last mile up to the Pacific Crest trail is the only serious climbing. There was a fire here in 2004.

This trail is snowfree late May (lower 6.5 miles) to mid-November.  The last mile or so, at higher elevation may hold snowcover into June.

In early August, storms caused a slide that overran part of the West Fork Methow trail. The 200 ft wide slide is passable on foot and is approximately 6 1/2 miles in from the trailhead.

The trail is generally dry and firm, with only a few seeps and stream crossings.  The tread is generally dirt and fine gravel, but there are substantial areas of scree.

Most of the trail passes through a burn area.  There can be significant treefall in spring and early summer, and well as following large windstorms.