Twisp River
This is a great out-and back ride through mostly forested terrain. The outbound trip climbs a net of only 1,200 ft., but the descent on the return trip makes for a fun return. Despite the name, the trail is always some distance from the river. There are several stream crossings. Abundant camping and hiking opportunities are found along the Twisp River Road.
The tread is generally dry and firm. Most of the trail has a smooth tread with periodic short rocky sections, including several scree slopes. The trail is snow free by early to mid-May, however depending on the winter, tree fall may be substantial. The trail is usually cut out by mid June. Be careful at stream crossings during May and into June due to high runoff from snowmelt.
Okanogan National Forest, Methow Ranger District. The trail is cleared of blowdown annually by the Methow Valley Backcountry Horsemen, usually by mid-June.