Tapeworm Trail Network
Skill builder ride, nice quick after-work destination. It takes 1-2 hours to ride everything. This is a small system of trails that are tightly wound to make the most of a power utility company lot. There are now six trails: Crop Circles (only 1/2 can be ridden), The Tapeworm, Parasite, Mr. DNA, The Silkworm and BermSled. The CycoActive map is out of date and currently only lists a few of the trails, but it will get you started in the right direction. This is a trashy section of young deciduous trees, don't expect nice forest (this area is great night riding, just be cautious of low hanging branches).
Couple trail highlights:
- Bermsled: Flowy downhill with berms and jumps
- Mr. DNA: Technical with roots and rocks
- Parasite: Technical with sharp turns, roots, and log piles, many short steep ups and downs
- Tapeworm: Technical with structures, roots, drops, short uphills and log piles.
- Cropcircles: Maze-Like ride
- Silkworm: Flowy XC with optional drops, structures, and berms
- Main Path: Fire road/singletrack, easy, not hard features
Trail Status
Ride Reports
The new Silkworm trail features are an absolute riot! The new wooden wall leaves me whooping with delight, and the Quarantine jump line is a fantastic run for building confidence in the air. I can't thank the volunteers enough for making all of this possible, you guys rock. You'...
Rode Tapeworm day after a storm rolled through. No wasps that I found on the last bridge as previously reported, but maybe they were still subdued by the rain.
Trail was in great condition. No standing water and the rain gave everything some much needed grip.
Buddies and I where riding Tapeworm Trail.
Warning really big nest on last lower wooden bridge banking left. It’s the last one before the last climb. It has been there for a couple of weeks now. But people have taken the warning sign off. Someone has sprayed wasps killer on it but with no...
Right before the first "roller coaster" structure there's a big paper wasp nest in a tree to the right of the trail. It's at the intersection where you can go left to skip the structure or right to ride it and add a little more trail. I got stung twice - on the ear and on the lip. Very painf...
We rode this during one of the hottest weeks of the summer. Trail was extremely dry. Started around 11 AM and I think we saw one rider the entire day at the start, but no one on the trail. Took the first entrance on the right and tried to ride Silkworm but couldn't folllo...
Parasite and Silkworm nice as usual, good grip through the berms through Silk. Tapeworm looks like someone recently took a weed wacker to the parts that get overgrown under the power lines. Thin low hanging limbs above some of the doubles at upper Bermsled, watch your eyes or climb up...
Rode the network again today. Did the area just below the power station which I believe would qualify as Crop Circles. Down TapeWorm, out and up Parasite and down SilkWorm twice. To get to Parasite from TapeWorm, as you come out of TapeWorm, take a left out to the road. Ea...
It was a great ride today. Rode the part of Crop Circles that is clear, on down into TapeWorm, up Parasite, and Silkworm two times. Trails are in pretty good shape but they're still in a little need of some brush back. The new features the boys have been putting in are great and...