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Great Ride

28 | Mar | '15

First off, I originally followed directions to the Google Maps pin on the Navigation page. This takes you to the 'Lower' section of Cowiche Canyon. Not a bad ride down the old rail trail, but there are many walkers in this area as it is flat and a beautiful trail through the canyon. There are a couple climbs out of the canyon, but again, many hikers going up and down - not necessarily worth attempting to go against traffic on this steeper climb. I'd recommend following the written directions to the 'Upper' section or rim of the canyon; you can always drop down to the rail bed below.

The trails on the rim are awesome, fast and smooth singletrack. They wind all over this area with many unmarked intersections, but are hard to get lost in as they all seem to loop back to one of the few doubletrack trails running through the area. Not sure I'm much help as far as where to go, but everything I came across was great to check out. Trails were dry but not dusty, and views are incredible. This area seems best to ride a perimeter loop and then try the numerous spiderwebbed trails that run throughout. 


Submitted by Trails on 03/30/2015