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Arduous! Epic hike-a-bike.

This ride is pretty dicey.  Huge stretches of trail are currently unrideable.  

The uphill from 4 th of July is a long trudge.  Fire activity seems to have turned the entirety of the slope to loose scree and post-fire regrowth.  The climb took 3-4 hours on foot, with constantly poor trail surface...total stumblefest and bushwhack.  Very high effort and almost no saddle time.  Best case scenario, the entire mountainside is crying out for major rerouting.  I figured the whole climb stayed well above 20% grade on a near 45° pitch with terrible trail surface.  The first 500' of elevation are much better than what follows.

I was pretty punched by the top, with feet near blistering and Achilles screaming.  Pushing and carrying my bike through the thick growth was like powerlifting!   Bushes have totally overgrown the trail which made uphill route finding tricky indeed.

The alpine ridge section was super memorable.  That same fire has left a forest of ghostly white leafless trees with a 700 story view in 360°.  Just wow.

The descent was massive.  The top sections are loose and any sections pointing towards the fall-line are loose rubbley gouges.

The burn killed near all the trees and the top of the descent must have 50 deadfalls blocking progress, most easily portaged over or around.

The downhill makes two passes north to knobs that overlook Tumwater Mountain and Leavenworth.  The trail starting  from the higher knob and below is the only part that is really smooth sailing.

Based on current conditions, I would highly recommend out-and-back riding from the northern trailhead to the second major overlook.  The entire southern half from the 4th July TH -> the weather station on the mountaintop is a complete gong show.

For a bigger adventure, riders might want to ride from the north TH south to the weather station but I WOULDN'T suggest passing that point with a bike.

Epic hiking!

Submitted by on 09/17/2014