Paradise Valley

  • Do not park in the horse trailer spots.
  • Please obey Snohomish County leash and scoop laws.
  • There have been reports of cars being broken into in the parking lot.


Paradise Valley Conservation Area (PVCA or just PV) is a Snohomish County Park property that has a variety of singletrack to ride from rooty to twisty to swoopy. There are no big climbs here, but a lot of up and down. You'll get a suprisingly good workout riding here. There is about 11 miles of trail open to bikes.

Paradise Valley was a private (tree) farm property where the owners (the Lloyd family who still reside on the property in a Life Estate that will eventually revert to the County) passivly allowed recreation. Snohomish County acquired the 663-acre property in 2000 using funds from the state Salmon Recovery Fund and Snohomish County's Conservation Futures Board, converting it into the Paradise Valley Conservation Area, and eventually closing the property to recreation.

Evergreen contested the closure to public access and recreation, in both public meetings and direct communication to the county, on the grounds that parts of the property west of Paradise Lake Road had no critical aquatic habitat and closure to the public was unwarranted. Evergreen supports the protection of critical salmon habitat including wetland and riparian areas. The existing mountain bike trails do not encroach on any critical salmon habitat.

Evergreen continued its work with Snohomish County on reopening the property for recreation. Finally in late 2007, visible signs of progress appeared:

  1. Snohomish County was able to strike a deal with the Lloyd family for an easement on the life estate that allowed the County to construct a parking lot, information kiosk and install a porta-potty.
  2. An initial entry trail was constructed from the parking lot, connecting to an existing trail.
  3. The County began reaching out to potential user groups (including Evergreen) on what the final trail configuration would look like.

Evergreen worked with Snohomish County throughout 2008 and early 2009 to assist in reconfiguring the trail system to what it is today. As of April 2009, there are about 11 miles of trail open to Mountain Bikes.

Current work by Evergreen focuses on trail maintenance as well as upgrading the trails for better sustainability. New trails are planned in the Southwest portion of the park.

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