Lake Fontal and Mt. Stohr

The vicinity of Lake Fontal and Mt. Stohr

Key Info

1 of 5 (technical difficulty)
3 of 5 (physical difficulty)
Road Grade
NW Washington


15 miles total
1000' elevation gain
0% single track
100% fire road
0% paved
47.7982483333333333 lat.
-121.9058683333333333 long.


There are several locked gates in this area and parking at the first one you see might be advised. CYO Camp Hamilton is nearby. It is a kids camp and access might be limited when in use.

This is a ride of dirt roads to Lake Fontal and Lake Hannan and an additional trip to the 1400' peak (Mt. Stohr) to the northeast. It is about 3 miles from the north side of the Cherry Valley system and Lake Margaret. A USGS map shows a road that ties this ride to the Cherry Falls access road if you want to lengthen the ride to single track!

The roads are in good shape but do have puddles in the wet weather and also get more primative during the second half of the climb.

Cherry Valley!