Green Mountain - Verlot

Google Earth Iso of the Route

Key Info

1 of 5 (technical difficulty)
4 of 5 (physical difficulty)
Road Grade
NW Washington
Ebike Trail


24 miles total
3000' elevation gain
0% single track
85% fire road
15% paved
48.110214 lat.
-121.856546 long.


This is a forest service road to the top of Green mountain. It is located just north of the Verlot Ranger station and just north of Mount Pilchuck on the Mountain Loop Highway. The road starts paved with potholes and turns into a well graded fire road about 2 to three miles in. You can park anywhere up the road where you can safely and vary the amount of vertical you want to attempt. Some folks camp along the road. No pass is necessary. At the top is a ham radio repeater structure, a good view of Pilchuck, the Verlot and Robe valley, and, at the west most part of the road at 2900 feet, Mount Rainier. The ride down is an enjoyable glide but watch for vehicles around the corners.  Initial Route

Well graded road with some potholes. The last half mile to the summit on the north side might still have snow in May and is the only chance for hike-a-bike. The summit is south facing and clear of snow earlier.

Verlot Ranger Station is located a couple miles east on the highway, Granite Falls is west about 8 miles.