Devils Gulch / Mission Ridge


Devils Gulch and Mission Ridge are two sections that are part of the Mission/Tronsen Ridge trail system. Lots of options. You have to go through hell before you get to heaven...

From the lower parking lot it is an eleven mile climb to the top of Devil's Gulch. A long long climb that gives at least one indication of why this trail is named after the fallen angel. However, once at the top you will be rewarded with scenic views of the North Cascades. Best of all the single track is hard packed and usually dry. Long sweeping turns, wide open trails through old growth timber and sharp switch backs make the top of Devil's Gulch and intoxicating ride. No wonder there are so many sinners in the world! After a steep drop off the ridge you will be rocketing back and forth along each side of the canyon. The trail is smooth and fast all the way down and crosses the Mission Creek several times.

The single track in Devil's Gulch is some of the smoothest and fastest in the state.

Devil's Gulch is in the Wenatchee National Forest. The forest is currently evaluating roadless areas that may be proposed as Wilderness, thus shutting bikes out of the trails. It is unlikely that Devil's Gulch or Mission Ridge will be recommended as Wilderness, but other trails in the Wenatchee, Okanogan and Colville National Forests may be at risk.

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