Clarks Creek Park
It's a multi-use trail system that follows a steep grade up the hill to the top area which has multiple loops to ride. There is very little water control so the trails tend to get boggy. Regardless it's a fun loop or two at the top of the grade that winds through the trees. There is a few new trails up on top. A lot of work is being done by the trail gnomes these days. Try the "96th" trail section, it is located off the spur trail on the left loop. Turn before you hit the pave.
Grunt is low once you're in the loops. The steep grade up to the loops is difficult and loose. Park also has a fitness course.
County park property, open to multi-use.
Trail Status
Ride Reports
I set out for a early morning ride in the pouring rain. While the turkey cooked I got in a ride, the trails behind the school were very muddy but rideable. I bailed on the upper loop in a clay section, knocked the wind out of myself ugh! The downhill main trail was in good shape and i encountered...
first time on this trail. brought my newphew which is 10 yrs old and has a mountain bike with me... not recommended for kids to ride up. its a pretty steep ride up. we made it only about half a mile. had a talk with a couple guys riding back down and they didnt recommend bringing my newphew up......