Angels Staircase / Uno Peak
This backcountry classic takes you to the highest singletrack in Washington. You spend a lot of time pedaling at 7000 feet and get as high as 8000 feet. This area includes two sub-areas, one known as Angels Staircase and the other as Uno Peak / Safety Harbor - Each of them is accessed via a different approach/trailhead. Please study the maps, and make appropriate plans as these are very demanding trails for experienced riders who are able to navigate in the backcountry.
Trail Status
Ride Reports
The snow is going to fly this weekend up high so I needed to complete my eastern high rides before trails get too covered in snow. Today’s ride would take me to an elevation of 7100 feet while going around Uno Peak. After getting my elder care tasks complete at home, I...
I came from the South Navarre Campgound side since I was visiting my dad down in Manson. I was hoping to at least take the Summit Trail north to the Uno Peak loop junctions and even the Staircase intersections exploring possibilities for going to Stehekin. The Summit trail from the campground is...
This trail was on my wish list for sometime and just got a chance to do it this week and see the fall colors.
I must say this trail was a little bit of a disappointment. Usually with an epic ride you get long climbs followed by long descents with great scenery. The problem with this trail...
We road in the Counter Clockwise direction. The trail was clear of blowdowns and snow. The road is in good shape; we drove up in a Mazda3 with no issues.
Notes on navigation: We missed the turn off onto Cooney Lake trail. It's almost a 130 degree right turn. We ended up descending do...
Rode the classic loop in the CW direction on a stunning fall day. Left the TH around 9:30 and returned around 5:00PM which included leisurly stops at Cooney and Boiling Lake. Trail was in great condition from recent rains adn the larches are in full golden glory. Not many days l...