The New Evergreen Trail Guide is Live!
05 | Sep | '14
EMBA Webmaster
Our new Trail Guide is now your definitive source for information about Washington singletrack. The Trail Guide replaces our venerable trail wiki with…
- New trails, more GPS tracks, and embedded video
- Mobile-friendly, Smartphone functionality
- Evergreen recommended “Premium” trails are separately searchable
- GeoPDF maps for trails as they become available
- “Trail Finder” view showing thumbnail trail images and key stats
Update the Trail Guide and win cool prizes!
The Trail Guide relies on user-generated content. So we need your help updating our trails listings and info. Post your best new trails or polished trip reports in August and you could win sweet shwag in our drawing at the end of the month.
FYI, if you had an account on the wiki, you do need to set up a new account on the Trail Guide.