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Spring Fling 2024 Recap

Spring Fling 2024 Recap

03 | Apr | '24
Liz Lunderman

Sunshine burned off morning fog on the Raging River parking lot as more than one hundred volunteers, trail builders, and vendors gathered for Evergreen's first annual Spring Fling.

Raging River is Evergreen's second-most used park in King County, after only Duthie, with over 7,390 reported rides a year! Those amazing numbers mean this trail system always needs a little extra trail maintenance love.

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

And today, that maintenance love showed up in full force! 

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

The vibes started off high as folks checked in, grabbed coffee, meandered around the vendor booths, and prepped for the day of raking, cleaning drains, moving downed trees, and good times.


Photo by Jack Lambert.

As Paul Martin, Trail Maintenance Lead for all of Cascades to Sound, puts it, "[Trail maintenance]...It's like your bedroom, once it gets messy you need to clean it up." And this past winter was a doozy for the trails! If Raging River was our bedroom, there'd be dirty laundry everywhere! Massive wind storms, snow storms, and the ever-present PNW rain hit the forest at rapid rates this winter. 

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

With blankets of Douglas Fir pine needles and branches covering the lines, volunteers and builders worked together to touch almost every trail on the mountain! In groups of ten, Upward Mobility, Poppin' Tops, Flow State, Raging Ridge, Physical Therapy, Canyon Creek Downhill, No Service, Invictus, and Return Policy all got their spring cleaning! 

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

It was indeed a work party for the history books! And in more ways than one. Throughout the day, our union' trail fairies' greeted the hundred trail gnomes on the mountain with snacks and bevies, proving that a good deed is truly never lost!

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

And, of course, it wasn't all hard work (it never is ☺️). Once we were back in the parking lot, Pivot Cycles and Volition Brewing provided games, grilled cheese, and beers,

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

Natural Music Selection's Dave Clayton( don't worry, folks, Dave and his cute dog will be at MTB Fest, too!) provided the viby tunes,

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

And Ride Bicycles, Trail Boss USA, The Urban Wheeler, and eqpd provided the party!

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

We've said it before and we'll say it again, Evergreen's community... our volunteers, our builders, the vendors that work with us... You are all the best! 

We're thankful to have you and thank you everyone who made our first Spring Fling a success!

Now, PLEASE! Stop reading this, and if you haven't hit Raging yet after the work party, go. Like Now!

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Photo by Jack Lambert.

Shiney sides up, Everyone!

Spring Fling 2024