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Remembering the Man Who Sparked Our West Sound Chapter: John Hawkins

Remembering the Man Who Sparked Our West Sound Chapter: John Hawkins

21 | Nov | '22
Liz Lunderman

The Evergreen community is giving thanks for and remembering one of the founding members of our West Sound chapter, John Hawkins, who passed away suddenly this week. Without John, our West Sound chapter might never have come to be.

In the 1990s, when mountain biking, in general, was growing its roots as a mainstream sport, John organized a group called the Northwest Trail Riders. John led mountain bike rides and organized trail work parties throughout Kitsap County and beyond, through this group. It is no coincidence that the first two presidents of the West Sound chapter were Northwest Trail Riders. With John's influence, the first local MTB event resulted in a trail care crew grant from IMBA and a festival-size party at the Slippery Pig Farm, raising thousands of dollars for the trails and catapulting the development of the West Sound chapter of Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. 

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John had a degree in outdoor recreation and was the Outdoor Program manager for the Morale Welfare and Recreation program at Bangor.  In that role, he organized mountain bike races at Bangor, organized Navy Sponsored trips for sailors and civilians throughout the NW, and shared the joy of mountain biking and the spirit of giving back to the trails with hundreds of people.  He also organized ski trips, kayak trips, hiking trips, and all things outdoors.  In all of these endeavors, he inspired others to enjoy the outdoors while reminding us all that these opportunities cannot be taken for granted; that we must all do our part to maintain, preserve, and advocate for the places that make the Northwest special.

We are grateful for John’s contributions to Evergreen West Sound. His love of the sport and his attitude of giving back are at the very core of who we are and we know that our continued efforts as an Evergreen chapter will honor his legacy as we continue to promote those values.


John signed all his emails with "-recreationally", he lived it in everything he did. He is loved by this community and will be sorely missed.


You can support John’s family on there GoFund Me here.


Remembering the Man Who Sparked Our West Sound Chapter: John Hawkins