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NOVA Grant Applications Show Increased MTB Presence

NOVA Grant Applications Show Increased MTB Presence

06 | Nov | '14
Bryan Rivard

October was NOVA grant review month, and a great example of how much more respect and credibility mountain biking is getting in Washington.  

NOVA, or the Non-highway Off-road Vehicle Activities program, provides funding to develop and manage off-road recreational opportunities-like motorcycle, equestrian, hiking, and of course, mountain biking. 

Evergreen has been working hard to ensure that mountain bikers are well represented in recreation funding, and it has been paying off.  This year there were applications for $1.1mil worth of grant projects which would specifically benefit mountain biking in our state.  This is a dramatic increase from $490,000 in applications for similar projects in 2012 and $325,000 in 2011. 

Evergreen and our chapters are building strong relationships with land managers, and continuing our efforts to show the need for more trails with state agencies in Olympia-and it's paying off.  There were numerous comments from land managers tying new trail opportunities to the expanded maintenance work now being done by mountain bikers, and with a projected 12,000 donated volunteers hours for 2014, Evergreen volunteers can take pride in that.

While not all of these projects will be funded this cycle, it is a clear indicator that the needs of mountain bikers are being taken seriously.  Evergreen will continue this successful effort, building relationships with land managers and agencies across the state--thank you for your continued support.  

2014 NOVA grant applications in Washington State show increased Mountain Biking consideration.