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Instructor Spotlight: Aria Knutson, Central Chapter Dirt Camp Coach

Instructor Spotlight: Aria Knutson, Central Chapter Dirt Camp Coach

12 | Feb | '25
Kristen McCune

With over 100 instructors statewide, the Evergreen team is dedicated to helping riders of all ages build confidence and skills on the trail. Certified through Evergreen’s Instructor Certification Program, they create fun, progressive learning experiences for every level.

Education Director Kristen McCune caught up with Dirt Camp Coach Aria Knutson to get the scoop on coaching and biking with Evergreen:

How did you get into mountain biking?

"I first got into mountain biking when I moved to Leavenworth in 2020 and made it a mission to learn as many mountain sports as possible. I was eventually sent the contact of one of Evergreen's instructors, Stella Johnson. Stella was very patient with my newness to mountain biking and helped me develop a passion for mountain biking. I also had the wonderful guidance from Courtney Feeney, who has also been an instructor with Evergreen."

What do you enjoy about being a coach with Evergreen?

"I really love the constant excitement of being on bikes and having a wonderful activity that students can continually grow and learn in. The support and clinics from Evergreen have helped me grow as an instructor to maximize the support I can provide to instruct our participants."

Any fun stories from the camps you've taught?
"Some fun experiences that have come out of Leavenworth camps are seeing the passion ignite within our participants. It's been fun trying to stay a step ahead of what challenges the participants such as using obstacle courses, balancing beams, and tight corners to inspire them further. 
I think parents are also sometimes bewildered that we got their 7-year-old to bike up the New Upper Trail at Ski Hill. At Evergreen I try to always inspire and encourage, so it's wonderful seeing the little ones being able to show their abilities. Even if we take 15 breaks trying to get up the biggest hill at Ski Hill, it's a success if they are happy, and feel accomplished at their goal."
Thanks, Aria!
Interested in joining a camp with Aria or another one of our top notch coaches? Registration is OPEN for our summer dirt camps at www.evergreenmtb.org/education/camps
Skills classes will start back up in April, or reach out if you'd like to schedule a private lesson during the off season at privatelessons@evergreenmtb.org
We're recruiting for camp coaches or volunteer instructors for the 2025 season! Check out our website for more details.
With over 100 instructors statewide, the Evergreen team is dedicated to helping riders of all ages build confidence and skills on the trail. Certified through Evergreen’s Instructor Certification Program, they create fun, progressive learning experiences for every level. Keep reading to get to know one of our incredible instructors in the Central Chapter!