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Brouwer’s Café Combines Enjoying a Beer with Supporting Trailbuilding

Brouwer’s Café Combines Enjoying a Beer with Supporting Trailbuilding

08 | Sep | '15
Bryan Rivard

AlesforTrailsPoster300pxThat’s the thought that Nat Pellman at Fremont-based Brouwer’s Café had when he reached out to Evergreen with a fundraiser idea. His mission? To raise money for the Excavator Fund by donating the proceeds from all canned beer sales on August 27th to Evergreen. 

Success! The fundraiser at Brouwers raised $1700 for Evergreen’s trailbuilding efforts and helped us put an even larger down payment on the two excavators we were able to purchase for the 60 miles trails that will be built in the next two years!

Thanks go out to Brouwer’s Café—and Nat in particular—for the generous donation!

Evergreen would also like to thank the following breweries that donated beer—without them this wouldn’t have been possible:


Oskar Blues

Fremont Brewing

New Belgium


Hopworks Urban Brewery


Brouwer's Cafe raises $1700 for Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance's Excavator Fund!