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Mark Lovejoy

Project Manager - Darrington
Trail Crew (Staff), Trail Crew (Seasonal)

Known in the biking world as LJ, Farmer Lovejoy, or “The Dirty Cultivator,” Mark is currently working on the North Mountain Bike Project in Darrington, WA. 

An Arlington native and trail builder with 18 years of trail building experience, his resume includes projects from as far away as Sorata, Bolivia, and Bellingham, to local trails in Skagit and on Secret Pilchuck in Arlington. 

A long-standing member MTB trail organizations in North Snohomish County, he brings his skills to Evergreen as a respected west-side community leader and coowner of Garden Treasures Nursery and Organic Farm located on Highway 530 in Arlington. 

Find him on the trails with his family and friends cruising anything from green dots to extreme rock faces, in person at the farm store, or on your favorite podcast application by searching for “The Dirty Cultivator”.