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James Munly

Crew Chief - Central
Trail Crew (Seasonal)
James Munly

Munly grew up on the west side of the mountains, in the Seattle suburb of Bothell, and came to Leavenworth to ski patrol at the nearby Stevens Pass Ski Area. Years ago, bored in the summer after injuring his knee skiing, he made the switch from riding a few days a month to being on his bike every day, ripping the trails around town.

He's been the guy organizing rides and building trails, but he's also the go-between for riders and the Forest Service. Munly talks fast, but he moves slow, which is probably why he hasn't tired in the fight to build legal trails. He's been to years of meetings, organized volunteer groups and found a way to explain to the doubters, why mountain-bike trails are good!

James Munly, Trail Builder, Central Washington Chapter,