Swan Creek Park


Swan Creek Park is a 373 acre site located just a few miles southeast of downtown Tacoma. 276 acres are owned by Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT) and 97 acres are owned by Pierce County. Evergreen volunteers recently completed construction of ~6 miles of trail and skill building options in the ~50 acre “Douglas Fir Forest” zone of the park.

Hustle and Flow is a 1.75 mi cross country loop that circumnavigates the ~50 acre Douglas Fir Forest. Designed to be similar to Bootcamp at Duthie -- smooth and flowy with lots of rollers and banked turns, max sustained climbs and descents, optional features. Skill level: Green (entry) level and kid/family-friendly but fun to rip for all ages and skill levels. Some more difficult options.

Braking BadLight Rail, Murphy's Law, RCA, Recess and Feedback are stacked loop options of varying difficulty levels off of Hustle and Flow. Add these to extend the cross country loop and provide progression opportunities.

4 jump lines descend into the clearing on the north side of the forest: Jumpin Zac Flash is entry level,  Joyride progresses from entry-level (green level) to intermediate (blue). Frigid Air progresses from blue to black diamond level. TNT is an experts only level jump line -- all doubles (gap jumps) with steep lips.

2 new more advanced freeride trails, Ground Control and Major Tom also provide stacked loop options off of Hustle and Flow.

Extra Credit is a more advanced Freeride trail that peels off of Murphy's Law o the NE side of the forest.

There is also a skinny practice zonedrop zone and pump track on the north side of the park.

Phase 1 and Phase 2 Trails are now open! New mountain bike specific trails constructed in cooperation with Evergreen. http://www.metroparkstacoma.org/swan-creek-park/

Maintenance work parties will be posted on our calendar. Sign up here on the Evergreen Calendar.

Swan Creek Park is under a relatively new Park Management Plan, so is in transition. There is still illegal activity happening in the park: garbage dumping, campfires, gate locks are cut, new entrances are being bulldozed, quads and motos are tearing through the woods at high speed. Metro Parks is blocking illegal entrances, repairing fences/gates/locks, installing signs, etc. The real long term solution is to bring in regular positive users like Mt Bikers into the park! In the short term, if you see any illegal activity, report it to the Tacoma Police Dept's Non-Emergency Number: (253)798-4721. In the event of an emergency, or if you're in doubt as to whether or not it's an emergency, call 911.

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