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Evergreen Leadership Transition
Yvonne Kraus

Evergreen Leadership Transition

20 | Mar | '24
Yvonne Kraus

Spring brings promising change to our trails and outdoor adventures. This year, spring also brings a solid dose of change and transition to Evergreen: I am transitioning away from Executive Director, making space for the blossoming of new leadership, new ideas, and new project strategies for the mountain bike community in Washington.

Our current Operations Director Tara Moser has stepped into an interim Executive Director role to move the organization towards its next level of success, while she allows me to take a break to discover trails on other continents. I can’t think of a better candidate to take on interim Evergreen’s leadership role. Tara and I have been in lockstep the past 8 years: I couldn’t have had this journey of growth without her, and she’s truly the one who has made Evergreen’s success possible in operations, HR, administration, education and so much more. Tara’s fingerprints are on all trails and all programs, and I’m leaving my work knowing that the organization is in great hands. Please congratulate and thank Tara for stepping in to keep Evergreen moving forward.

I’m leaving a strong team, friends, a productive board, clients, a lot of stories and adventures, and one of the best jobs in the world – but I do so with the knowledge that the organization is in a great place to make the next big vision possible.

Over the next few months, our Board will engage in the search for the next Executive Director - job posting can be found here on our website. Our hope is to hand over the mic at this year’s Mountain Bike Festival, June 8th-9th, at Raging River; and I hope you will all join me there to celebrate a decade past, and the trail outlook ahead.

The past decade has been rich and rewarding. Having ridden my bike in WA state when all I had locally at Tiger Mountain was a road climb and 2 downhill trails, when the No. 2 Canyon trails didn’t yet exist, when there were no trails at North Mountain, no lift serviced trails, nor pump tracks, and definitely no Raging River: I can only be proud of what you all have helped make happen this past decade. If you’ve been riding bikes in WA state for a while, you know how much Evergreen means to you, and has accomplished with you.

Thank you for supporting me, the team, and our Board in our work. Our trails and our team are special, and we can never take them for granted. Please set our next Executive Director up for success by continuing to support Evergreen staff, keep your memberships going, and help keep our trails maintained. In the meantime, I look forward to spending more time on trail, on bike, and with you.

I’m not gone yet, and I’m eager to wrap up a few projects. So as usual: Thank you and see you on the trail! 

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A note from our Executive Director, Yvonne Kraus